What Does a General Contractor Do?
A general contractor is a key member of a construction team. His role is to oversee and direct the day-to-day operations of a project. This includes hiring and managing subcontractors and vendors, maintaining supplies stores, and overseeing project timelines. In addition, the general contractor is responsible for ensuring that the work is done properly and meets specifications.
The general contractor also plays a critical role in communicating with clients. He may be required to send a request for proposals (RFP) or write up a project proposal. When making such a proposal, the contractor must be able to highlight the most important parts of the project. For instance, the RFP should include an estimate of the project’s cost, the time it will take to complete the project, and the estimated labor costs.
Another part of the general contractor’s job is to ensure the safety of workers on the jobsite. In this role, he must be able to solve problems that come up during a project. Some of these problems may be unexpected and will require the general contractor to react quickly.
Other responsibilities of the general contractor include making site plans, coordinating delivery of materials and supplies, and securing grounds. In addition, he must be able to communicate well with other team members. As a result, it is important for him to be able to multitask and manage several tasks at the same time.
Depending on the size of the project, the services provided by a general contractor can vary. They may be able to handle the design aspects of the project in-house, or they may need to hire others to carry out the work. However, a good contractor will be able to perform a variety of tasks while still managing the overall project.
To become a general contractor, you need to be licensed by your state. You will also need to show proof of liability insurance and a financial soundness certificate. Additionally, you will need to pass state-level exams.
To be a general contractor, you need to know how to craft successful bids. In order to be able to do so, you must have a thorough knowledge of building construction and be able to assess project-specific documents. Often, a good contractor will have a background in architecture or engineering, which will help him to select the best tools and materials for the job.
Finally, the most important part of a general contractor’s role is to communicate effectively with other team members. By keeping everyone on the same page, you will be able to avoid any major issues that might affect the construction of your home. Streamlining paperwork will also help to eliminate payment delays.
With a well-rounded, experienced general contractor, your home improvement project will go smoothly. He will be able to oversee the entire construction phase, including completing interior decoration, landscaping, and HVAC installations. He will ensure that the work is completed to the highest standards and that the project will be ready for future inspections.